The Avid Reader

I do book tours, book blitz, cover reveals, author interviews, guest posts, reviews.


I blog for book tour companies and authors.

A River of Silence

A River of Silence - Susan Clayton-Goldner Four year old Scott hits on his little brother Skyler. Skyler cries a lot and Scott and his dad don’t like it when Skyler cries. Scott is jealous of Skyler and Bryce.

Skyler a 19 month old little boy is taken to the hospital with a big knot on his head and bruises. Skyler is a sweet little boy who loves to play with Bryce and his favorite toy a shark.

Henry is an eighteen year old with the mind of a seven year old who loves to play with Scott and Skyler. Henry likes to pretend that he is their father and likes to give Skyler is bottle.

Dana the boy’s mother is divorced from their father Reggie has been living in her car with the boys until she takes a complete stranger up on his offer to come live in his house as he has two extra rooms for her and the boys. Dana works hard at the Lazy Lasso Bar and Grill while trying to take care of two little boys.

Reggie the boy’s father or at least they have his last name which is also their mothers. Scott says that him and his dad doesn’t like Skyler because he is to loud always crying never shutting up.

Caleb Bryce or as everyone calls him Bryce is a thirty five year old man, who is hearing impaired opens up his home and heart to a complete stranger with two little boys who were living in a car. For over a year Bryce helped Dana with her boys by babysitting them. He would take them to the park and push them on the swings, build them a playhouse out of a cardboard box cook for them, bathe them and read to them when he put them to bed at night.

When a little boy dies Detective Winston Radhauser is assigned to the case. When things start to heat up and the case has not been solved his boss puts the heat on him to arrest someone and that someone just happens to Bryce. Detective Radhauser doesn’t believe that Bryce is guilty and continues to investigate the case to find the real killer.

After graduation from law school Kendrick Huntington Palmer IV takes on her first case as a Public Defender. On her first case she is to defined a man who is accused of killing a 19 month old baby but Kendra doesn’t believe that Bryce is guilty any more than Detective Radhauser. Kendra and Radhauser set out to prove Bryce innocent. Is Bryce innocent? If he is then who murder little Skyler?

Susan has done it again. She has written another best seller. Susan is my favorite mystery writer ever. She can create a story that will grab you from the beginning and never let go. Susan is one author that can write a story where you come the closest ever to seeing the world through the eyes of the author. She can also hit you right in the heart and have you feeling just what the characters are feeling. Her stories are filled with so much mystery that the endings will blow your mind. All the way through you think you have it all figured out as to who the killer is but then in the end she will surprise you.

If you love mysteries then you are going to love A River is Silence. Pick up your copy and get to know little Skyler, Scott, Dana, Reggie, Radhauser, Kendra, Henry, Bear and find out more about Bryce and the man he is. I can’t recommend A River is Silence enough. I can’t wait to read more of Susan’s books and more of Detective Radhauser.

Dragon School: First Flight

Dragon School: First Flight - Sarah K.L. Wilson Sixteen year old Amel has dreamed all her life of being a dragon rider. In order to be a dragon rider Amel must first make it through dragon school and her first flight riding on a dragon.

All her life Amel has been talked about and called names because she is different from others. Amel has a physical disability that makes everything she does harder to do but Amel is one tough fighter that doesn’t let her disability get in her way or stop her from doing the things she wants to do.

Amel never expected it to be any different at the dragon school but a girl could hope. Even though others always treated her badly Amel never returned the favor. Amel always thought of everyone else before herself never being selfish. Amel was a quiet girl but she always stood on the side of right and truth.

I have never read many books about dragons so I was sort of skeptical when I saw the title but I though ok give it a chance and I am so glad I did because this was the best dragon book I have ever read and I can’t wait for the next book Dragon School: Initiate. I love the story and the world that the author has created with the school and riding on the back of a dragon and living on the side of a cliff. I loved all or most of the characters and can’t wait to read more of their stories. I loved Amel’s dragon, Raolcan and Leng and his dragon Ahlskibi and Savette and Tamas and more.

While Dragon School: First Flight is a short read it is filled with just as much action as a full length novel and leaves you wanting nothing more at the end than wanting to know more about these characters and their stories.

A Curse of Fire (Fae Academy Book 1)

A Curse of Fire (Fae Academy Book 1) - Sophia Shade Imogen has never had a place that she could call home. All her life her mother has moved them from place to place. They use to stay in one place for a while but now they only stay in once place for maybe a couple of months at a time. Imogen has tried talking to her mother about why they were always moving and never staying in one place long but her mother just won’t tell her anything no matter how much she argues. Something or someone is after Imogen’s mother and they want something or someone and that someone is Imogen.

Imogen has a big day planned out and she has been planning this day for a very long time. But her plans have fallen through once again as her mother packs them up and are on the move again. Whoever is after them is hot on their trail today. Imogen finally gets her mother to confess as to who is after them and why. Imogen finds out that she is a fairy and that is who has been chasing them all these years and have finally caught up to them and have given her an ultimatum go with them willing or be forced.

The ultimatum she was given is that she must attend the Fae Academy to learn who she is. Imogen’s mother has always believed this to be a bad place and didn’t want her daughter going there or maybe she is just afraid of losing her daughter.

Imogen decides that she wants to go to this school to learn who she is and where she came from. She is in for a world of trouble when she first walks through the door to the Fae realm and has to make it through dark fae territory.

When she finally makes it to the school there are a lot of students in the nurse’s office who are very ill and on the first day. Later she learns that one of the halls is being attacked. Imogen is on the case when it seems that the staff doesn’t seem to care. If their magic doesn’t fix it then they don’t seem to care but Imogen doesn’t need magic as she has never had or used magic in her life she will just have to do it the human way by snooping.

But Imogen has other fish to fry like dealing with two hot guys that really seems to heat her up in more ways than one. Yeah Imogen has finally found herself a home and have made lots of friends. She also has to contend with not being able to control her element fire. If she doesn’t get that under control she could be putting herself not to mention other people in danger. How is girl to learn how to control fire when she didn’t even know she could make fire? But figure it out she must.

I have really enjoyed reading A Curse of Fire and getting lost in the halls of the Fae Academy with Imogen, Dannika, Ella, Erick, Caleb, Driftblossom, Damon and Lady Shadowburn plus many, many more. This has been an epic journey in the realm of the Fae one in which I hope to rejoin in the near future.

Come join in on this great adventure and walk with Imogen through the halls of the Fae Academy and see what she sees. Sophia Shade is one of those authors who can pull you into a story and have you seeing the world through character/author’s eyes and have you so lost in the story that you actually forget where you are and have you racing through wanting to help Imogen find out whodunit. I can’t wait for the next book to find out more about Imogen and her life as well as all of her new friends and read more about the Fae Academy.

I would recommend A Curse of Fire to anyone who loves a good whodunit with a little magic on the side.

The Sequel (Volume 2)

The Sequel (Volume 2) - Dina Rae After almost dying Maya Smock climbs into a time traveling machine with no clue as to where she may find herself when she gets out. Deep down is probably concerned if she will make it out alive or in one piece. When the time machine stops Maya finds herself in Germany during WWII.

Maya is taken to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest where he studies her in a lab like a rat and introduces her to these alien creatures that are called Reptilians. The Reptilians try to play nice with Maya telling her all about the home they have made for themselves in hallow earth and about their involvement with Hitler.

It doesn’t take Maya long to figure out that the aliens are not as nice as they are making out to be and she must figure a way out before it is too late. Even if she does manage to escape the Reptilians then she still has to find a way back to the time machine and then she will have to figure out how to operate it. Can Maya figure out how to operate the time machine? Will Maya get back home?

The Sequel takes us from 1944 Germany to 1970 to 1980 and into present day but not all of it is through time travel some or most is through time lines telling each characters story and how they all intertwine.

I really and truly love reading Dina’s books they make you think. I am a big conspiracy theorist so when I read Dina’s books it puts my little brain in over drive and expands my thinking process and opens it to a whole new world. The worlds that she creates are over the top and the code as I am calling it that is woven into each one is astronomical. All I am saying is that if you read between the lines so to speak you might just find that her stories are not too far from the truth. Who knows, right?

We have The Best Seller and The Sequel so what is next Dina? I have loved traveling with Maya, Jay, The General, Lori and the aliens from one time to another and can’t wait to read more of their traveling adventures and the aliens. Who is Maya?

If you aliens, time traveling then let me suggest that you give The B

Hinder: A Bender's Novel

Hinder: A Bender's Novel - Kristin Ping Ethan Sutcliff is a Bender. A Bender is some who can control witches powers, bend them and make them do what they want. Benders are witches guardians; they watch over them and keep them safe. Ethan has not been able to use his powers since he was fifteen years old. If he wants to use his powers again he must find his Wielder.

Alex Burgendorf is the last Earth Wielder who has been in hiding for the last sixteen years with her mother and father. Alex must find her Bender before it is too late. She has no idea who her Bender is or how she is going to find him but she is sure she will know him when she comes in contact with him.

I love the world the author has created in Hinder. I love the Benders who can bind the witches’ powers. Benders who can bind an Earth Wielder, Fire Wielder, Air Wielder and Water Wilder’s powers to their will. This has been an epic journey one in which I have enjoyed tremendously and hope to see more of these amazing characters or maybe even more of Fire, Air and Water Wielders.

The Vixen's Lead

The Vixen's Lead - Tate  James Kit and her best friend since childhood Lucy are professional thieves who have a few people hot on their trails. Kit is wanted for different reasons one of which is her being a thief and the other reason is for her special abilities. Kit will do whatever she needs to do to keep Lucy out of the limelight and will take all the heat. Lucy is like the brains of the operation while Kit does the actual stealing.

Kit and Lucy are not related but have been sister for a long time with spending time in foster homes together and being abused while in said foster homes by patrons that visited the home on occasion.

Kit moves in with these five guys who are trying to find The Fox and have no idea who she is. Kit is staying with them so they can keep her safe from the people who want her for her special abilities. These five guys are all very hot and they all want a piece of Kit well except maybe a couple of the guys. But Kit has no problem with this and does as she pleases with no quilt involved.

Kit is one very tough lady who needs no one to take care of her she can take care of herself but she doesn’t mind the guys, Caleb, Austin, Cole, Wesley or River helping out at times in more ways than one. Kit will walk through fire if she needed to in order to save Lucy or anyone of the guys if their lives were in danger.

The Vixen’s Lead is filled with lots of twist and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out where Kit is going to take you next. Come join Kit as she takes us on her life journey from foster care to high school to being a part time thief to living with five hot guys who are trying to keep her safe from the people who would like to get their hands on her special abilities to do with as they please.

Temptation Trials Part I

Temptation Trials Part I - B. Truly Since the aftermath of World War III the moral code has been One domain ... One accord … One nation. The world must now follow a world dictatorship that controls every aspect of their lives even their hearts. When you turn twenty one your spouse is chosen for you and you must pack up your bags and leave family and friends behind maybe never to see them again. Will unless you are lucky and your chosen one lives on the same continent as you do if not well then I guess it is adios amigo.

Most folks guard their hearts against such matters as have Cali Nasser and Stefani Ponce. It’s like party until your heart is content but keep that heart surrounded by thick walls and never give it the chance to fall in love. But when they meet a couple of hot, gorgeous guys they both soon learn that these two hot men have broken through the walls they have built around their hearts. They have found out that they nor the government can actually control the heart.

What do they do now? Do they give up on their love? Or do they fight the government to be with the one they love? What can they do? Well they could apply to be on this reality tv show called Temptation Trials. Temptation Trials is where couples that are in love fight for their chance to be with the one they love and not someone the government picks for them. Cali has never liked this show at all but to be with the one she loves she will do whatever it takes.

When Cali and Stefani reach the island they assume they know what is in store for them and what they must do to fight for the one they love. Easy peasy, right? But things don’t turn out exactly as they expected. While they knew they would have to date a few men while there they didn’t expect the temptation they would endure but that is probably why it is called Temptation Trials. You think?

I will have to say that I enjoyed reading Temptation Trials way more than I thought I would when I read the summary and after reading the summary I knew I had to read it. The world that the author has created for Temptation Trials is umm how do I say it? Well it is just out of this world amazing. I loved the concept of having a reality tv show in a dystopian world. And the characters are just as amazing.

Now this is one book I would very much love to see on the big screen to bring all that goodness to life to see if it would be anywhere close to what I saw in my head when reading it.

But I do have to say that the ending just blew me away. I was like no way…you can’t do that to me. I can’t wait for the next book to see what happens. I just can’t seem to get Temptation Trials out of my head. You know like when you hear a song and it sticks with you for days well that is what it has been for me since I laid it down well I guess I haven’t exactly laid it down yet then. Hey but that is a good thing though, you know what I mean?

If you have not read Temptation Trails then I would like to suggest that you do. You will not regret it if you a good romance mixed with dystopian.

Temptation Trials Part II

Temptation Trials Part II - B. Truly, Laura Kenney Imagine living in a world where the person you are going to spend the rest of your life with is chosen for you. In a world where there is really no reason to fall in love because if you do then more than likely your heart will be broken.

The world is run by one man and this man chooses who you will spend the rest of your life with.

But if you do fall in love there is one hope for you by being a contestant on a reality tv show called Temptation Trials. On Temptation Trials if you can make it through to the end then you can choose the person you want to spend the rest of your life with yourself. That is if you can make it through all the temptations.

In Temptation Trails Part I Cali and her best friend Stefani talk their boyfriends, Cade and Tobias into going on the show so that they can spend their lives together. They are sent to an island where they each meet their temptations, face trails among other things and fall in love.

In Temptation Trails Part II Cali and Stefani are in love with two guys with their hearts torn. They must choose which one they want to spend the rest of their life with and it will be announced at the Temptation Ball to the whole world.

Cali, Stefani, Cade, Tobias, Zion and Dom are back on the mainland now waiting for the ball but in the mean time they are trying to figure out a way to stop the government from running their lives and having so much control over them by picking their life partners.

I have truly loved following along with Cali and Stefani on their long journey of fighting for the choice of choosing who they want to spend their lives with. My heart is torn into for these two girls I mean they do have a very tough choice to make. Which guy will they chose? Both of their choices are hawt and very loving people who will put their own lives in danger to save their girls.

Temptation Trials Part II has been one amazing journey. About half way through the story there was a big twist I mean it was like being picked up in a tornado and then set down somewhere else book it worked. I loved this amazing twist in the story and that ending although I never saw it coming blew my mind. Oh and what about that blue mist that is seen floating around the town? Blue mist…Temptation…Blue Lagoon…

As I have said before and I will say again this has been an amazing journey one in which I hope to take again one day. I do hope to read more about these characters. I know this is an end to an epic journey but a girl can hope can’t she?

Execution of Justice

Execution of Justice - Patrick Dent A young man gets into a fight and the other guy ends up dead. John never meant to hurt anyone much less kill the dude. Now John finds himself enlisted in the military where they train you to kill a man and probably on his way to fight in the Vietnam War after boot camp.

After boot camp John and Gip find themselves in Ranger School where they teach you how to keep a man alive. John always assumed that he would end up in Vietnam but after giving it some thought he had rather be in special opps than running around in the jungle in Vietnam.

A US congressmen’s daughter is kidnapped in Brazil while on vacation. She is kidnapped by a sex trafficker who plans on getting a high price for an American. John and Gip are sent in to rescue the congressmen’s daughter along with 37 other girls.

John has a lot of demons from his past that he is living with today. John is aware of this but he just has to figure out how to deal with it in order to be the person that he wants to be and not someone else.

Execution of Justice started off kind of slow for me with so many characters, places and stories. It was all over the place going from one character’s story to another. But then it hit me that all these characters, places and stories were going to intertwine at some point in time. After figuring this out it was on then I couldn’t it put it down. I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out how they all intertwined and connected. Like the when, why and where sort of thing.

I think John was my favorite character even with all the gory gruesome things he did. He was a tough character but underneath that rough exterior lay a soft compassionate heart.

Execution of Justice is filled with so much adrenaline pumping murder, mystery, suspense action that will keep you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what is around the next corner. Execution of Justice is one of the best books I have read this year. This is one book that will stay with me for a long time to come. I would so love to this on the big screen. Execution of Justice would make a great movie.

I would definitely recommend Execution of Justice to anyone who loves a good mystery, suspense action driven novel.

The Blood Will Dry

The Blood Will Dry - Kate L. Mary It has been five years since the aliens attacked earth and the aliens bug thingies have taken over covering the earth with alien vines. Humans are forced to stay inside. Groups of people band together living in old abandon office buildings.

Diana Foster lost something very dear and close to her heart the day the aliens attacked, her husband and baby daughter. Diana has been in morning ever since just living day by day just putting one foot in front of the other with no plans for the future. With losing her whole life that day she no longer feels as if she has anything to fight for.

She has a wonderful friend Daisy who has been there for Diana for a long, long time. Diana is a private person and has never told anyone what she lost on that eventful day.

When a guy, Bryan from her past walks in the door one day everything changes for Diana. Diana and Bryan didn’t get along to well in the past. Bryan didn’t treat Diana very well the first time she met him at a birthday party for her husband. But Diana and Bryan are not the same people they were before the aliens attacked. But things start to heat up between Diana and Bryan pretty quickly.

Diana, Bryan, Daisy, Tyler and the rest of the team need to come up with a way to fight the aliens so they can win this war and stop the aliens so they can start to rebuild their lives. They need to find a way to fight the aliens.

Diana and Daisy are two tough chicks that don’t need a man to fight their battles for them but they probably need a man to keep them warm at night among other things. Diana and Daisy the double Ds as their friend Alex calls them and will not go down without a fight. Those two find themselves in places they never wanted to be but they don’t lie down and give up. No they pick themselves up and fight their way through.

I love me some dystopian books and one with an alien or two is just up my ally. When I read the summary for The Blood Will Dry I knew I had to read it the question was just a matter of when. I love the world that the author created in The Blood Will Dry with the aliens and vines growing everywhere and the alien bug creatures. When I was reading The Blood Will Dry I would get lost in the story and I would see what I was reading in my mind and for a little bit it felt as if I was watching a movie or living it myself. It was like I was seeing everything through Diana’s eyes. This is one book I would love to see on the big screen. It reminded me of the Alien movies.

The Blood Will Dry is the first book by Kate L. Mary that I have read but it won’t be the last or so I hope. I can’t wait to read more of her books especially the Broken World novels as I love me some zombies too.

If you like aliens or end of the world kind of books then you are going to fall in love with The Blood Will Dry. So pick up your copy today to start on your journey with Diana and the aliens in The Blood Will Dry.


Crowned (Beholder #4) - Christina Bauer Viktor is still after Elea and wants her dead and everyone she loves. Elea is a very strong girl and will do everything in her power to prevent this from happening. Viktor must be stopped at all cost.

Elea has a little talk with these trickster gods who has promised to help her find a way to stop Viktor but can they be trusted? They tell Elea that she needs to find this sword to stop Viktor with. But before they will help Elea they make a deal with her. Elea is a very smart girl and listens very closely to this deal that the tricksters are trying to get her to make but they are not called tricksters for nothing. If she doesn’t listen closely to what the gods are saying it could cost something very close and dear to her heart.

Elea goes on a little trip with her soul mate Rowan’s little brother Jicho, a nine year seer to find this sword so she can save all the people she loves and cares about. Elea and Jicho meet a lot of different people on this trip of theirs. Some good and some not so good. Elea has a few battles that she must face on her journey to finding this sword the Sword of Theodora. The Sword of Theodora is the only thing that can help Elea save not only her own life but the life of the people she loves.

Crowned is the fourth and final book in the Beholder series and I am sad to see it ending. I have come to love the characters in the Beholder series. I have loved following along with them on their journeys and all the battles they have faced.

Come join Elea on this magical journey to saving the ones she loves. Join her from the start with Cursed then on to Concealed and after that is Cherished and for her last journey there is Crowned. Let Elea take you on the most amazing magical journey of a lifetime.

A Wanted Man

A Wanted Man - Robert B. Parker A Wanted Man means exactly what it says. Ben Bracken is A Wanted Man he just walked out of prison and is now on the run. Yeah Ben is on the run, but he has his insurance policy though and hopefully in a safe place and he intends on making the people who helped put him in prison pay. Ben wants justice and he plans on getting it his way.

Ben gets held up somewhat on his plans when his friend Jack’s father is killed and he wants Ben to help him find who killed him and make them pay. While Ben is investigating Jack’s father’s death he runs into some rough people who are called the Berg sort of like the mob. The Berg is just the kind of people that Ben wants to take down and make pay for all the wrong doings they have done in the world.

When things start to heat up and secrets start flying around Ben just may be in a world of trouble but probably not anything that he can’t handle. Ben is one tough dude and ex-soldier who knows what he is doing and can hang with the best of them.

A Wanted Man is action packed and filled with more mystery than you can shake a stick at. It will grab a hold of you right from the first page and won’t let go until the very last word is read. It will keep you guessing from the beginning to the end and that ending will blow your mind.

I would recommend A Wanted Man to anyone who loves a good mystery with lots of action.

The Butterfly Code

The Butterfly Code - Sue Wyshynski Aeris Thorne loves music and has all of her life. Aeris loves all aspects of music. Not only does she love to play musical instruments but she can sing and compose music as well. Aeris has a new job waiting for her in the fall; this is a dream job for Aeris one in which she has no intentions of missing. She has been offered the position of first violinist for the New York Philharmonic.

Aeris decides to spend the summer with her Dad before starting her new job. While visiting her Dad she meets Dr. Hunter Cayman a very hot and sexy guy. Hunter is a very mysterious dude with lots of secrets, a man that the whole town is afraid of. Everyone keeps trying to stir Aeris away from Hunter but her attraction for him is so strong and besides the more someone tries to deter her away from him the more she wants to know.

Hunter and a few more people live and work at the Phoenix Research Lab for Highly Contagious Diseases. The lab is just a little ways up the road from her Dad’s place.

When Aeris finds herself in danger and being chased by bad guys in black SUV’s the only place she can think of to go is to Hunter’s at PRL. Aeris ends up in a bad accident while being chased by these bad guys at right at the front gate of the lab.

When she wakes up she finds that her whole life has been changed and she is let in on a few of the secrets that Hunter and his crew are hiding from the outside world at PRL, secrets that Aeris may wish that she had never set out to know. These secrets will change her life in more ways than one.

The Butterfly Code will pull you in and keep you wanting more with lots of action around every corner. The Butterfly Code is one of the best stories I think I have read in a long time. It will haunt you for a long time to come and I do mean in a good way. Just when you think you have it all figured then you turn that next corner and bam it slams you right in the face and you are like I didn’t see that one coming. I can’t wait to read the next book The Infinity Gene to see where Aeris, Hunter and the rest of the crew are going to take us next on this awesome journey of theirs.

I would recommend The Butterfly Code to anyone who loves a good science fiction novel with a little mystery and romance on the side.

The Infinity Gene

The Infinity Gene - Sue Wyshynski The Infinity Gene picks up right where The Butterfly Code left us with the bad guys still wanting Aeris and trying to take her captive. Brewster King needs Aeris to so he can save his little girls life. King has captured Aeris’ best friend Gage with intentions of using him as a bargaining tool to help him save his daughter’s life.

With everything that is going on in her life like with the bad guys still chasing her and now the Tribunal breathing down her neck and her best friend Gage still missing life still goes on. So when Aeris gets a chance to work for Applause composing music she takes it. She can compose music for Applause when she not playing her violin with the New York Philharmonic.

Aeris has an interview with Applause but when she gets there things seems to be off and just not right. When she walks into the room and sees a little girl tied to a chair and these men walk in carry their guns she knows she has been set up. She uses her superhuman strength to rescue the little girl and run out of the building with her and escape by jumping off and over pass and landing on a semi-truck.

Hunter picks them up and takes them back to the PRL or Phoenix Research Lab for Highly Contagious Diseases where she can hide out from the bad guys and now the Tribunal who has shown up the PRL to find out if Aeris is like Hunter or if she has returned to being a normal human. If the Tribunal finds out that she is like Hunter then their lives could be in danger.

Aeris wants to help everybody and will do want ever it takes to do just that. And now she has a little girl added to that list. Aeris must save her friend Gage, Hunter, Nessa and she feel obligated to find a cure for Hunter and his crew.

The Infinity Gene is one of those books that will keep you up at night flipping the pages so fast it will leave burn spots on your fingers. Aeris is one strong independent girl who will stand up and fight for the ones she cares about no matter what the cost to herself. I loved the whole idea or concept of the Girl on Fire series one that I will not forget for a long time to come if ever. This series will stay with you long after you have read the last word. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book The Modified Girl as The Infinity Gene left me with lots of unanswered questions and lots of unresolved issues.


Monsterland - Michael Okon When I read the summary for Monsterland I knew I had to read it as it made me think of one of my favorite movies Jurassic Park. I love those movies and I have all three but they are on VCR and so I can’t watch them anymore, bomber. But of course there is Netflix. Monsterland has all my favorite things to read about like zombies, vampires, werewolves and monsters.

Monsterland tells the tale of one man Vincent Konrad who opens up a new theme park in the United States called Monsterland along with six more all over the world all opening on the same night. Vincent opens the park in order to give vampires, zombies and werewolves a place to live; their food is provided for them and a safe from humans, a nice clean and protective environment.

Wyatt Baldwin is given tickets to opening night with backstage passes to see how the park is run. Wyatt takes his little brother Sean and his two best friends, Melvin and Howard Drucker and boy are they in for the ride of their life. Wyatt, Sean, Melvin and Howard Drucker are all very excited to be going to the grand opening of Monsterland and are expected to have the time of their life but things may not turn out just as they were expecting. The boys can’t wait to take a ride on the Werewolf River Run, walk through Vampire Village to be drawn in and mesmerized by the best band ever and last but not least take a stroll through Zombieville.

Monsterland theme park is a great idea for humans to put their minds at ease thinking that the monsters are now locked up but is the true monsters here behind bars? Werewolves are not much different from humans in wanting to live their life the way they want and be free. Yeah they eat meat but so do humans. And Vampires just want the same thing to be free and live their life like they want too. Yes they drink blood and mostly human blood but who’s to say if given the chance and they are treated equal to humans if they would only drink animal blood I mean it is not any different than humans eating an animal. Now zombies I don’t think they could ever be treated equal they are mindless, brainless sick humans who can’t think for themselves any longer. Who is the real monster? Man, werewolves, vampires or zombies?

Once I started reading Monsterland I couldn’t put it down I had to keep reading wondering if Wyatt, Sean, Melvin, Howard Drucker, Carter, Jade were going to lead us next. Would they get eaten by the werewolves? Would the vampires drain them of their blood? Or would the zombies eat them? Monsterland will take you on the ride of your life and this has never been more of a true statement. Now the question is what will your ride be like? Will you be thrilled or will you be scared?

Yes I invite you to come join, Wyatt, Sean, Melvin and Howard Drucker on their ride through Monsterland.

Fire War 111 Uprising

Fire War 111 Uprising - Michael T. Murray Jackson is training troops to help in the fight of taking back the country. Jackson and the Apocolytes are working together to bring down the government. They are taking the country back city by city and state by state one step at a time. They are trying to make the country free again a better place to live for the people. They want a country where the people can live freely and make their own choices in what they believe and not have the government tell them what they can believe and what they can’t believe. The only way to do that is go to war and fight for what you believe in and a better and safer place to live and for what is right.

And one of the ways for them to take back the country and make it a better place to live is to have another president. So who will be the next president? Who is the best man for the job? Who do the people want for president? It was suggested and decided that Jackson would run for president. Will Jackson win the presidential election? Or will President Meyers win the election and keep doing what he has been doing along? Which is brain washing people and making them believe what he wants them to believe so that he can continue to have control over the people.

I have truly enjoyed reading all three books in the Fire War Trilogy but I do think that last one book three is my favorite with all the action and the fighting. Once I picked it up I didn’t want to lay it down I had to keep reading to find out what Jackson or Meyers was going to do next. It grabbed me right from the beginning and didn’t let go until I turned the last page I am not sure if as actually let go yet. I think the Fire War Trilogy will stay with me for a long time to come hoping that what happened to Jackson, Marcus, Maya, Mac and everyone else of the UCSA never happens in real life.

I would recommend the Fire War Trilogy to anyone who likes reading dystopian or political novels.