The Delphi Effect

The Delphi Effect - Rysa Walker Anna Morgan has bounced from one foster home to another and group homes from time to time not to mention psychiatric institutions since she was just a little girl. Anna was abandoned when she was a toddler with a note saying she was possessed.

There were times when Anna and Deo ran away from the places they were staying when things got rough. They stayed on the street until they were found and sent back. Anna and Deo adopted each other as brother and sister a long time ago. They both needed someone they could rely on and trust. Anna and Deo have come to be as close as or closer than any brother or sister. Each would give their own life if that is what it took to save the other.

Anna has a special ability where she picks up ghost or hitchers as she calls them. If she brushes up against something say like a chair where a ghost is hanging out Anna will pick them up. These ghosts usually have some unfinished business they need to take care of before they move on and Anna tries her best to help them.

Anna runs into a little trouble when she picks up a young girl who was murdered and the killer(s) were never found. Molly wants Anna to help her grandfather find her murderers so justices can be served. Molly suffered through a lot before she died but that is her story to tell so I will let her tell it.

Now Anna has some very nasty people after her because of her abilities and because of what she knows about Molly’s murder. But Anna picks up a lot of help and some new friends along the way. A friend of Molly’s a guy that she had a crush on helps Anna and Deo when he finds out that Molly’s killers are after her. There are a few sparks flying around when Anna and Aaron are together.

I have really and truly loved reading Anna and Molly’s story and you will too. Following along on their journey has been out of this world amazing. Reading The Delphi Effect was like walking down a hall with lots and lots of doors but you are only trying your best to get to the end of the hall and you are creeping along when bam a door flies open and you are waiting and waiting and waiting to see what is behind the door but you are stunned as to what is waiting for you behind door number one or door number two…ect…ect.. Oh man and that ending just left me wanting more…more…more. I can’t wait to read more about Anna, Aaron, Deo, Taylor and Daniel’s stories and about The Delphi Effect as well. I know it will be another amazing walk down that corridor.

Pick up your copy of The Delphi Effect today and let Anna and Molly tell you their story.