Seduced by Pain

In the second book Seduced by Pain of the Seduced Saga Derek has found out who Rose is and what she did to his brother Dean. Rose has to deal with the fact of what she can do with her dark powers and learn how to control them. She is determined to use her magic for good and not evil. Rose keeps calling Derek over and over but Derek won't talk to her. He feels guilty for loving her when his brother is in a coma that she put him in. Will Derek find it his heart to forgive Rose? Can she stop her mother from doing more evil before anyone else gets hurt?
Rose has learned that her mother is planning on using her as a sacrifice to help her gain more power. She has also found out that her mother has been hiding things from her. Things like who her real father is and what he is. Who is her father? What is her father? She now knows that Derek's family was not the ones who was attacking them and trying to kill her family.
Rose's heart is breaking because of what she did to Derek's brother and has realized that her mother manipulated her into using her magic against Dean. Her heart is also breaking into tiny little pieces because she thinks she has lost Derek. She thinks he will hate her because of who she is and what she did.
What Rose doesn't know and has no way of knowing is that Derek has a fantastic family with great big hearts. The O'Conner's don't blame her for what happen they know her heart is not like that. She is not evil like her mother. Besides they know her mother and what she is capable of doing. They are not the kind of people to judge anyone. They know that everyone is their own person and just because one person in the family may be bad does not make the other members bad too.
You know I think I liked Seduced by Pain more than the first book Seduced by Innocence. There were more magic and dark creatures. Once I started reading it I did not want to stop. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. I was beside myself wanting to know what was going to happen to Rose and Derek next. I really loved both books and am just dying to read the next book in the Seduced Saga Seduced by Power due to be released this month, March 2013.