When the clock strikes (Paranormal Personnel Saga #0.5)

When the clock strikes (Paranormal Personnel Saga #0.5) - Joanna Mazurkiewicz I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.

Nathaniel La Caz a Dhampir, half vampire and half human; since he was a small child he never really had a father growing up. His father was in and out of his life for most of his childhood until one day his mother couldn't take it anymore and told him to leave and never come back. She couldn't take the pain of him leaving all the time and the things he was doing when he was gone; it broke her heart and she couldn't live with it any longer. Nathaniel's father was a vampire and was turned before he was born. After he was turned he returned home to Nathaniel's mother; a human and nine months later he was born.

When he was older Nathaniel met a girl Isabelle and fell in love with her big time. One day Isabelle disappeared and he searched everywhere for her a very long time. When he found her she had been turned into a vampire and no longer wanted anything to do with him. Her love and loyalty now belonged to her maker/master. It tore Nathaniel apart and swore he would never love anyone else as long as he lived.

When Nathaniel meets Julia, a half elf and half human several years later and on their first meeting he wanted her so bad and not just her blood either. No he wanted more than just her blood he wanted her and he wanted her in his bed. Nathaniel kept wondering what was wrong with him he never actually wanted a woman like he want Julia not since Isabelle broke his heart. Nathaniel was a player he used women for his own purposes and never dated. He only used them for sex and blood and when he was through with them he discarded them like an old dish rag and never felt any remorse for doing so. When Isabelle stomped on his heart Nathaniel learned real quick how to make his heart hard and every time he felt anything he would push it way down in his heart and pack it down like packing dirt so he couldn't feel the pain.

Julia had been taught all of her life to stay away from vampires and that elves and vampires didn't mix. Julia was a good girl and didn't pass herself around from man to man night after night so to speak. Besides the fact that Nathaniel was a vampire she had just broke up with her boyfriend who liked being in charge. Julia is a woman of her own and doesn't like being told what to do. With all the things that she went through with her ex she wasn't quite ready to start dating again herself either.

But after witnessing someone take her cousin Claudia Julia decides that she has to do everything in her power to find her before it is too late. After meeting Nathaniel she realizes that he might be able to help her find Claudia and that he would probably have more or different connections than her father does as a police officer. Nathaniel and Julia start investigating her cousin's kidnapping and run into a little bit of trouble and find out more than they bargained for. When more elves and fairies start coming up missing Julia gets very worried about her cousin and knows that she probably only has a certain time frame to find her cousin.

I love reading anything with magic, vampires, witches, fairies, elves or any paranormal creature. I love the Paranormal Personnel saga or the books that I have read so far. I love the world that Joanna Marzurkiewicz has created in the Paranormal Personnel sage. I love that she has created a world where all paranormal creatures has learned to live together and the fact that they can get along most of the time even though there are some that have not opened up their minds and still live by what their parents taught them instead of opening their minds to what is around them and seeing that there is good and bad in all creatures and who and what they are does not make them bad and that you shouldn't hate them for what they are. You should love them for what is in their heart and not what they are.

If you love reading about all paranormal creatures and have not read any of the Paranormal Personnel saga then I highly recommend that you pick up your copy today. It is filled with magic, mystery, suspense, heartbreak, vampires, witches, elves, fairies ect…. It has a little something for everyone who loves the paranormal.