Days Gone Bad

Damian is a necromancer who is always getting into a fight with demons oh not that he wants to they are the ones who find him and attack. Damian had rather just stay at home and run his little shop Death's Door. Some call it DD or Double D. Damian sells all kinds of magical things in his shop. He also has three little fairies that live in a grandfather clock in his store. While Damian is a very nice guy the fairies are not very nice if you happen to piss them off just ask the new guy Damian hired to help him out in his shop.
Damian has not seen his master, Zola in a long time. Zola has come back to warn Damian about the evil that is coming. Hopefully together and with a little help from all of their friends they will be able to stop these evil demons before it is too late. Damian has lived a very long life but he has a lot of training to do before he can fight this new evil that has come to town. Damian is very powerful necromancer but he has a lot of learning left to do to become proficient.
Damian's sister Sam is a vampire and after being turned she now lives with a pit. A pit is like a family of vampires. People who has been turned into a vampire and now live together in one place. Damian and Sam are very close and have grown closer since her turning. Damian would give his own life to save his sister.
I loved all the blood and gore that Days Gone Bad has. I loved what a friend of Damian's did to one of the vampires. I love reading books and watching movies with a lot of blood and gore in them. The more killing, blood and gore is in a book or movie the more I like it. The Vesik Series is another series that I would love to see on the big screen. I can just picture everything that I have read in Days Gone Bad in my head as if it was a movie. I love the cover of Days Gone Bad. He's standing there with his gun and looking back over his shoulder like someone who is always aware of his surroundings. Like he is on high alert which is what will probably be what will keep him alive in most cases. I loved reading Days Gone Bad and can't wait to get started on the next book Wolves and the River of Stone.