Love in Vein

Love in Vein - Stavros I was given a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.

Linnet and Z are on their way to New Mexico one of many road trips that they often make. Linnet is not always thrilled with these road trips seeing how Z is always the culprit for these little rides. But it is Linnet's car so she goes a long for the ride. But this is one trip that Linnet makes every year. Linnet goes back to the place where the storm happened in New Mexico every year. Linnet is such a good person that she always has a hard time saying no to Z or anybody for that matter. Linnet feels real bad for Z since she found out that Z's blood parasite is dying. She lets her get away with anything.

I enjoyed reading the new twist on vampires about their Jadaraa Soo which is a blood parasite. This blood parasite lives under the skin of the vampires and is always hungry for blood. The Jadaraa Soo is a whole new twist on the vampire genre for me. I have not read any other book that even speaks of a blood parasite or even a Jadaraa Soo, although the Jadaraa Soo did make the series more interesting. In Love in Vein Linnet and Z are being chased or hunted by a police detective who is out to get them. But this detective is in for a real surprise because he doesn't have a clue as to what he is hunting.

Linnet didn't like the monster that she had become. She didn't like that she had to bite humans and drink their blood in order to survive. No matter how hard she fought it the parasite inside of her would always win out. Linnet would always loose and drink from someone and they would die. She couldn't control what she had become. But she was a vampire and had no choice she was only doing what became natural to her as a vampire even though she still held on to her humanity in ways.

I highly recommend Love in Vein if you are looking for something different in your vampire books or paranormal reading list. If you are looking for something that is just slightly different than your normal take on vampires then Love in Vein is the book for you.