
WitchHunt - Emma Mills I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.

I have been very fortunate to have read all of the WicthBlood novellas, thanks to the author Emma Mills. I received a copy of the first novella WitchBlood for being the 50th person to like her page Witchblood the Novel on Facebook back in Feb. 2012 and now she has over 1,000 likes. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking this wonderful journey with Jess, Daniel, Eva, Brittany and all of the characters in the series and with Emma too. I am very heartbroken to see it end but I have been uplifted by just knowing that there will probably be some short stories in the character's futures. I can't wait to see what Emma has in store for us with the short stories and all of the other novels that she will be writing.

In WitchHunt we kind of pick up where we left off with Jess in WitchLove with Jess still in America with her family and Coven of witches. She has gotten her witches licensee and is now a full-fledged witch. (Way to go Jess!) Jess is a half-witch/half-vampire. Being half vampire makes Jess stronger than other witches which gives her an advantage to her magic at times. Jess likes being In America with her family but her heart and place is in Manchester, England, United Kingdom with Daniel, the love of her life and soulmate. Jess is called back to Manchester to help in the hunt for her bff Alex. She has found out that her enemy the woman/vampire that wants her dead has turned Alex into a vampire. Jess wants to save Alex from this woman, Mary but she doesn't realize that the way Alex has been taught by this woman that Alex will never be her bff ever again but Jess must try. She can't nor will she give up on Alex without giving it a try. She believes in Alex and will be her bff until the end.

So Jess returns to Manchester and with the help of all of her friends Daniel, Eva, Brittany, Luke among others they all go on a man hunt for Alex and Mary. They need to take Mary out if Jess is to have any peace and get to live her life without having to worry about someone trying to take her life away from her for something that is not her fault. Luke and his father are trying to find Mary and they allow Jess to come along with them in their hunt but Daniel and Eva are not allowed to go with them because it is out of their territory. Vampires cannot go into other vampire's territory it is very disrespectable not to mention you may get your head chopped off for it or something like that in other words. Daniel doesn't like this one little bit, no way does he want to let Jess out of his site but he knows he has no choice. Jess promises him that she will come back to him. Jess delves into some black magic as a last resort only when fighting with Mary. She will only use black magic if it is the only choice she has. Like if her life or any of her friend's lives are in danger.

I was very sad to see Jess lose her bff Alex with all that she has been through and all of the people that she has lost in her life as a human and now as a vampire but she has gained a new bff with Brittany. She has a new life and a new boyfriend now so I guess it is only fitting that she has a new bff to go with her new life as well. I am glad that she has found all of these new people to help her with dealing with her life as a vampire and that she gets to be a good witch and vampire. I am really going to miss all you guys.

Ok now I have a few questions for you. Have you read any of the novellas in the WitchBlood series? I hope you have said yes but if not then my next question is WHY, WHY, WHY? (Insert pic of me here with my month hanging open.) Seriously folks you do not know what you are missing out on. The WitchBlood series is one of the best series that you will ever be fortunate to lay your hands on. You need to go right now and pick up a copy not only the first book but you will need a copy of all four plus the Novelette of Genevieve's or Eva's story of how she became a vampire. Genevieve (A WitchBlood Novelette) is Free on Amazon.