Wolves and Roses

At this school Bryar meets her best friend Cinderella or Elle who like Bryar has secrets of her own. Elle is a very talented con artist who must hide out from her stepfamily. If Elle meets up with her stepfamily or they find her it could cause her a world of problems. Bryar and Elle become best friends who have each other’s backs always no questions asked.
Bryar has these episodes where she will fall asleep standing on her feet if it were not for her inhaler. Bryar was raised by her three aunties who make this special medicine for her to keep her from falling asleep.
Bryar’s three aunties want Bryar to marry prince Philpot but Bryar Rose wants no part of this prince but the thing is she has to fake it until her eighteenth birthday which is just right around the corner and then she will be home free. She won’t have to listen to her aunts anymore or anyone else for that matter. She will be free as a bird to live her life as she wants and that is a normal human with no magical powers.
Bryar meets the man of her dreams literally a man that she has been dreaming about her whole life. Knox is a werewolf who wants to protect Bryar from the moment he lays eyes on her. Whenever Bryar is around him her legs don’t seem to want to support her any longer. Knox is one hot dude that will make your tongue come out and slap your brains out.
Oh man I don’t know what to say about Wolves & Roses except that I fell hard and fast for the world the author created in Wolves & Roses and all the characters as well or most of them anyways there were a few that I didn’t care for much. From the very beginning I was drawn in and I couldn’t get enough of Wolves & Roses I fell asleep trying to devour this one, oh yeah. And that ending was awesome but it did leave me wanting more which is what a good story will do. Yes, I can’t wait to read the next book Shifters and Glyphs in the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series.
I would recommend Wolves & Roses to anyone who loves fairy tales.