Death Island

After their island is attacked by pirates, Meriden and her mother have to fight off some pirates that come into their home. Meriden and her mother don't come out of the fight unscathed no they have a few injuries but they are very strong and able fighters that give the pirates a run for their money. Meriden and her mother put a spin on the pirates that they never saw coming.
After the fight was over Meriden found a map of Death Island an island that holes a lot of clues to her family history. The map draws Meriden in and takes a hold on her that she can't shake. So what does she do? The only thing she can do and that is to make her dream come true. But she needs a few things first like money to back her expedition and a ship of course.
Meriden finds her ship with the help of her mother who contacts an old friend who is the captain of the Orion who has agreed to take Meriden on her adventure to Death Island but he informs her that he only has a skeleton crew and is in need of more men. Well Meriden is happy to oblige him in that department. She recruits her best friend since childhood Matthew Kettlesworths as the cook and another friend George Hobson as the ships doctor and last but not least her old friend Rupert Railing has agreed to back this little adventure and one perfect ginger haired rather handsome stranger Gregory "Greg" Wilson.
Once I picked up Death Island I couldn't put it down except to sleep literally. I grabbed my electric throw blanket curled up in my chair close by the heater on those cold days when the temp was in the twenty's and just kept flipping those pages. It drew me in right from the beginning and hasn't let go yet. Death Island has been an incredible epic journey through the awesome imagination of the author. Reading Death Island is really like seeing the world through the eyes of the author.
I would get so lost in reading Death Island that I could just see the characters sitting around the fire on a log with a blanket wrapped around them to help keep the chill away thinking about their day and what they saw in the dead forest. I could just see the looks of horror on each and every one of their faces as they listened to the sounds that the night made. Jumping and twitching with each and every cling, clang, whistle of a bird call or the snap of a twig how their eyes were so wide the whites showing with their eyes rolling around from one side to the other looking into the forest trying to find or hoping not to find the source of the sounds. No one wanting to talk about what they saw or about the nightmares they all was facing. I could see them sitting amongst the fog and it being so dark that they couldn't see much farther than the light of the fire.
I would so very much like to see Death Island on the big screen with Johnny Depp as the captain once again. I also think that Death Island would make a great tv show with it being set on the island itself with all the characters facing their nightmares.
I would highly recommend Death Island to anyone who likes the idea of sailing on the high seas and just loves a novel that will take them on the most incredible journey of a lifetime with pirates searching for lost treasure and then throw in a couple of gods and myths and maybe even take a walk through the land of the dead.