Temptation Trials Part I

Temptation Trials Part I - B. Truly Since the aftermath of World War III the moral code has been One domain ... One accord … One nation. The world must now follow a world dictatorship that controls every aspect of their lives even their hearts. When you turn twenty one your spouse is chosen for you and you must pack up your bags and leave family and friends behind maybe never to see them again. Will unless you are lucky and your chosen one lives on the same continent as you do if not well then I guess it is adios amigo.

Most folks guard their hearts against such matters as have Cali Nasser and Stefani Ponce. It’s like party until your heart is content but keep that heart surrounded by thick walls and never give it the chance to fall in love. But when they meet a couple of hot, gorgeous guys they both soon learn that these two hot men have broken through the walls they have built around their hearts. They have found out that they nor the government can actually control the heart.

What do they do now? Do they give up on their love? Or do they fight the government to be with the one they love? What can they do? Well they could apply to be on this reality tv show called Temptation Trials. Temptation Trials is where couples that are in love fight for their chance to be with the one they love and not someone the government picks for them. Cali has never liked this show at all but to be with the one she loves she will do whatever it takes.

When Cali and Stefani reach the island they assume they know what is in store for them and what they must do to fight for the one they love. Easy peasy, right? But things don’t turn out exactly as they expected. While they knew they would have to date a few men while there they didn’t expect the temptation they would endure but that is probably why it is called Temptation Trials. You think?

I will have to say that I enjoyed reading Temptation Trials way more than I thought I would when I read the summary and after reading the summary I knew I had to read it. The world that the author has created for Temptation Trials is umm how do I say it? Well it is just out of this world amazing. I loved the concept of having a reality tv show in a dystopian world. And the characters are just as amazing.

Now this is one book I would very much love to see on the big screen to bring all that goodness to life to see if it would be anywhere close to what I saw in my head when reading it.

But I do have to say that the ending just blew me away. I was like no way…you can’t do that to me. I can’t wait for the next book to see what happens. I just can’t seem to get Temptation Trials out of my head. You know like when you hear a song and it sticks with you for days well that is what it has been for me since I laid it down well I guess I haven’t exactly laid it down yet then. Hey but that is a good thing though, you know what I mean?

If you have not read Temptation Trails then I would like to suggest that you do. You will not regret it if you a good romance mixed with dystopian.