Girl of Stone

When they do finally reach the planet of Mhakerta they find more there than they were anticipating there as well. They find out that their parents are being held at the NeuroOne processing plant where Preeminence is still extracting the intellect of civilians and without their permission. Trattora, Velkan, Ayma and Phin must come up with a plan to get their parents and everyone else out before it is too late. What the Preeminence is doing to all those people is wrong in so many ways.
Trattora is a young girl with so much on her shoulder and a lot of people counting on her. Trattora is always worrying if she is making the right decisions. She has a great big heart and doesn’t want to hurt anyone or put them in danger. But like everyone else she is learning along the way. But she has some great friends and people that have her back and will stick with her until the end.
I have loved following along with Trattora and her friends on their journey to finding their parents. I really, really, really love the world that Norma has built for Girl of Fire and Girl of Stone. I love the spaceships/stealth fighters and flying through space going where no one has gone before kind of thing and I can’t wait to read more of Trattora, Ayma, Phin, Velken and follow them along on their new adventures.
If you love reading science fiction, dystopian books then you are going to love Girl of Stone but I would suggest that you read Girl of Fire first. Both are filled with so many twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat wanting more and when you pick up Girl of Stone plan on being there awhile as you will not want to put it down.