The Infinity Gene

The Infinity Gene - Sue Wyshynski The Infinity Gene picks up right where The Butterfly Code left us with the bad guys still wanting Aeris and trying to take her captive. Brewster King needs Aeris to so he can save his little girls life. King has captured Aeris’ best friend Gage with intentions of using him as a bargaining tool to help him save his daughter’s life.

With everything that is going on in her life like with the bad guys still chasing her and now the Tribunal breathing down her neck and her best friend Gage still missing life still goes on. So when Aeris gets a chance to work for Applause composing music she takes it. She can compose music for Applause when she not playing her violin with the New York Philharmonic.

Aeris has an interview with Applause but when she gets there things seems to be off and just not right. When she walks into the room and sees a little girl tied to a chair and these men walk in carry their guns she knows she has been set up. She uses her superhuman strength to rescue the little girl and run out of the building with her and escape by jumping off and over pass and landing on a semi-truck.

Hunter picks them up and takes them back to the PRL or Phoenix Research Lab for Highly Contagious Diseases where she can hide out from the bad guys and now the Tribunal who has shown up the PRL to find out if Aeris is like Hunter or if she has returned to being a normal human. If the Tribunal finds out that she is like Hunter then their lives could be in danger.

Aeris wants to help everybody and will do want ever it takes to do just that. And now she has a little girl added to that list. Aeris must save her friend Gage, Hunter, Nessa and she feel obligated to find a cure for Hunter and his crew.

The Infinity Gene is one of those books that will keep you up at night flipping the pages so fast it will leave burn spots on your fingers. Aeris is one strong independent girl who will stand up and fight for the ones she cares about no matter what the cost to herself. I loved the whole idea or concept of the Girl on Fire series one that I will not forget for a long time to come if ever. This series will stay with you long after you have read the last word. I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book The Modified Girl as The Infinity Gene left me with lots of unanswered questions and lots of unresolved issues.