Kaitlin's Tale

Kaitlin's Tale - Christine Amsden Kaitlin Mayer will do anything to save her baby, her son’s life, save him from becoming a part of the undead community, a vampire even if she has to give up her son and her own life. When the opportunity arises Kaitlin takes her son and runs; runs for her life right into the hunter’s compound with her son. The way Kaitlin sees it this will be the safest place for her son. But when she gets inside she is not so sure that running to the compound was the right thing to do. But it will do for now, she will cross that bridge when it comes time to walk across it or not. For the time being she is just taking one day at a time and whatever opportunity opens up for her and her son she will take it.

Kaitlin finds out after arriving at the hunter’s compound that it may not be on the up and up, that things may not be like everyone’s is seeing it. While she is in the compound she meets up with an old friend or someone she knows at least. The person she runs into is her best friend Cassie’s ex-boyfriend, Matthew. Kaitlin is not real fond of Matthew because of what he did to Cassie. But if Matthew can help her save her son she will definitely let him.

Matthew is at the compound for reasons of his own and when he sees Kaitlin he realizes that Kaitlin may just be able to help him with his cause. She just may become an ally one that could become very useful. When they meet Matthew and Kaitlin alike will go to whatever extremes they need to in order to get what they want and for different reason of course.

Kaitlin is very tough woman who will do whatever it takes to save her baby. The vampires may want to watch out for Kaitlin. Why? Well because as they say you don’t want to miss with a woman’s baby. She just may bite you. Kaitlin is a very smart, clever woman who knows how to get what she wants. Kaitlin may not have any magical abilities of her own or does she? but she has a form of thrall that most women have when it comes to men and she knows she how to use it to get what she wants.

If you have not read Kaitlin’s Tale then I would highly recommend you do oh but even though Kaitlin’s Tale can be read as a standalone I would suggest that you read the Cassie Scot novels first that way you will know more about Kaitlin and the other characters and can get a better sense as to what is going on with a little more background on each character. I would recommend reading all of the Cassie Scot novels as well the companion stories too. They are all so aaammmazzzzzing!