INSIDE the Wall (The War in the Wall Series Book 1)

Letha and Nathan became enemies because of these two people not because of the way they felt about each other. They were trained and brain washed into believing what they were told not to mention threatened. The thing is it wasn’t a threat at all it was a promise which all always came true. Letha didn’t want to kill Nathan but did he want to kill her? Would he kill her if given the opportunity? Would Letha kill Nathan if or when it the opportunity is put in her face literally? Or does Letha have plans of her own? How will Letha save herself, her friends and everyone else? Can she save everyone including herself?
No one cares about anyone or anything anymore well except killing someone and surviving. Will the world ever care again? Will they start caring about each other like they did before? Can they ever go back to what they once had?
I loved reading INSIDE the Wall not that I liked seeing people get killed or seeing kids watch their parents die or seeing kids being brain washed and trained to kill but the world that the author created was amazing. INSIDE the Wall will grab you from the first page and won’t let go until you have flipped that last page and leaves you wanting to know more. Wanting to more as to what happens to Letha and the rest of her friends and what it is like for them in their new world. I can’t wait for the next book
OUTSIDE the Wall.