Fibers (The Infiltration Trilogy Book 1)

After she is finally released she finds out that she is stuck right in the middle of a conspiracy. The more she learns of her disease the deeper she becomes entangled in this conspiracy. The deeper she gets the more scared she becomes of the shadow people and what they can and will do to her and her friends. But hopefully with the help of her friends Anna will figure out what is happening to her and maybe find a cure for her disease and why she became a target in their plans.
Fibers was a very interesting read. I enjoyed the story and world that the author created in Fibers. I really loved all of the characters and following Anna on her journey to finding out what was wrong with her and going along on their little escapades. Fibers is unlike anything that I have read before. I can’t wait for the next book to find out more about Anna and the rest of the characters and what adventures they will take us on next. If you love a good mystery with a little science fiction on the side then you will love Fibers. It will definitely keep you on your toes wondering what is going to happen next.