House of Ravens (The Nightfall Chronicles Book 2)

I read the first edition of House of Ravens in March 2015 and second edition in January 2016. I read somewhere that the authors had mentioned that there were only subtle changes nothing drastic. I agree with that to an extent. I thought when reading the second edition that I had seen something or recognized something in the revised book that I did not see in the first edition but after reading my review again I realized that I did see it the first time but I was just more open to it the second time. I felt more in tuned with not only Scarlett and the other characters but with the authors as well.
I feel like I know Scarlett, Nightfall, Zorin, Kai, Wytt, Corinne, Trix, TR and even King Varian more. I feel like I got to know more of Scarlett’s everyday life as a Templar in training, and a student at Castle V. I love how she will stand up and fight for what she believes in no matter what the cost to her maybe. I love how she stands up to her instructors and won’t back down when they don’t agree on something or maybe doesn’t believe the same way. She is a very honest person with a great big heart and would never hurt anyone unless they really and truly deserved it.
Scarlett Night is a Nephilim who lives a double life. As Scarlett Night she is just a human teenage girl just going to college during the day, training to be a Knights Templar. And at night she is Nightfall and like a super hero; a Nephilim with special abilities that no human has. Scarlett wants to make the world a better place for Zeniths, Nephilim, humans and anyone else out there they may be different. She wants everyone to treat each other the same and to open up their hearts and minds and grow to be a better soul. She wants to stop all the hate and killing someone just because they are different than they are. She wants the world to wake up and see that we are all one. Scarlett tries her best to see the good in every person that she comes in contact with. But it is almost impossible to find any good in someone who has an evil heart.
Scarlett meets a lot of new friends in her new life in and out of her new school. She meets some pretty amazing people at this new school that she has chosen to attend. She has their back while they have her back all at the same time. Scarlett does run into some pretty difficult situations and decisions that she has to make. In a way I don't see how she could make the choice that she did. But at the same time I do think she made the right choice for everyone involved considering what the outcome could have been if she had went down another road. Scarlett has some amazing friends, have I already said that? Oh well it is true either way and sure doesn't hurt to say it over and over. Scarlett had a couple of great admires who cared for her more than their own lives. They would do or give up whatever they had to so they could keep her safe and alive.
HOUSE OF RAVENS is so full of twists and turns that I was getting very dizzy every time I turned a page. I felt as if there were so many hidden messages that were being dropped all over the place that I didn't know which way to turn myself. I was spinning and spinning so fast that I thought I was going to go right off the edge and step right into insanity trying to figure out what everyone was up to and what they were hiding.
I kept thinking who is Jax? What is his secret? Is he for or against Scarlett? Is he trying to protect her? Does he know who she really is? Why did he leave and where did he go? I hated that he told her he loved her and then just walked away. What was he thinking? What was he feeling?
What about Kai? What is his story? Is he for real? Does he really care or love Scarlett? Is he a pawn for his father, the king? What about Wytt and Corrine? Are they truly her friends? Whose side will they all be on in the end?
You know I have always heard that when you read a book for the second time or more that you can see something new or in a different light than the first time you read it. This is very true I know because I have done it on more than one occasion. This duo writing team are amazing authors and are climbing right on up that author’s ladder right up there on the top right along with Stephen King. They have put so much more in this second edition which I never thought could happen but it has. I would have to say that I do like the second edition of House of Ravens a lot better than the first. All the little add-ins and changes help to make it a better book.
I highly recommend HOUSE OF RAVENS to anyone who loves reading about Nephilim's with a heroine that is learning who and what she is and what she can do. Scarlett is a very tough girl who has been through a lot and has had to grow up way before her time but she is strong and can handle herself and others well. Not only do I recommend HOUSE OF RAVENS and COURT OF NIGHTFALL the first book in The Nightfall Chronicles I would recommend you read any book that is written by this amazing duo; Karpov Kinrade..