Meritorium (Meritropolis) (Volume 2)

Charley, Sandy and Sven along with all their friends, some with high scores and some with low scores have finally escaped Meritropolis. After the fall of Meritropolis they all take off for the one person that is responsible for the scoring system. Charley wants revenge for the murder of his little brother Alec who was put outside the walls of Meritropolis to face all the different animal combinations. Alec had a low score so therefore he was put outside the walls.
Charley and his friends are all headed for the city of Meritorium where they were told that they could find the person who is created the scoring system. Charley thinks that killing this person is the only way to stop testing people and giving them scores. Charley thinks that everyone is the same and must be treated as such.
Charley and his friends have a long hard & miserable journey trying to reach the city of Meritorium. Charley and his friends are hunters and have hunted some strange animal combos but on their journey they get to see animal combos that they have never seen before not only do they run into more animals they run into some really strange plant life when they decide to take a short cut. There have always been questions to whether or not plants are actually a live but there is no question none what so ever about the plants they come in contact with.
When they are almost upon the city of Meritorium they run into a group of people that take them hostage and sell them to the highest bidder as slaves to the people of Meritorium to fight to the death in what they consider as games in the arena. The high and low scores fight more animal combos than they have ever seen.
I really liked all or at the least most of the characters in Meritorium, the characters were great people with great big ole’ hearts. They wanted to help each other and they wanted to stop all of the evil in the world. They had big holes in their hearts and they were trying to fill the holes by stopping the one person who put the holes there. But what they haven’t figured out yet is that the person who put them there can’t fix all their hurt that they are the only ones who can fix their hearts and make the hurt go away.
Meritorium is filled with so many twists and turns I didn’t want to put it down or for it to end. I wanted to keep reading to see what was waiting around the next corner. And what kind of animal combo I was going to be introduced to next. I thought they were all amazing.
I would have liked to have seen Charley and Sandy come clean and just admit to each other how they felt about the other. If they would just be honest with each other they would probably feel a whole lot better and would understand each other more. They are both so brave but yet they are cowards in some ways. They want to save so many people but they can’t even save their own selves. Until they can deal with what is going on in their own hearts and heads then they will never be able to help others.
If you like reading books that is filled with lots of blood, gore and violence which I do then you are going to love Meritorium but I would like to suggest that you read book one Meritropolis first though so that you will know who and what kind of people Charley, Sandy and all of their friends are and how they got to where they are in their lives and what made them the way they are.