
Brogen is a teenage girl who is an empath and still in high school. Brogen has had a hard time of dealing with being an empath as her abilities are very strong. But she is a lucky girl having a mom that is an empath too and has been a big help to her by trying to teach her how to deal with what she feels from others. She also has this best friend for most of her life who accepts her she the way she is. Meg is a very good person and has stood by Brogen for many years. Actually Meg is one of the few people that Brogen has let into her life.
Brogen is just starting a new year at school and only has two years left before graduating and she can’t wait. With the new year starting up they get two new students in their class. One is a guy, Jay who is very good looking and all of the girls want him for their selves especially the other new student who just happens to be a girl, Becca thinks she is the QUEEN of the whole school or the whole town for that matter. And guess what yeah you guessed it she wants Jay all for herself and is determined to get him no matter what it takes. But Jay only has eyes for one girl and that is Brogen.
Brogen can’t believe that he likes at all much less has chosen her over the QUEEN Becca. But to Jay Brogen is the QUEEN and not Becca. But with Becca doing everything she can to get him Brogen may end up with a broken heart. She is not use to fight for want she wants. She usually just sits back and lets everyone have want they want without interfering. Brogen hates drama and being the center of attention unlike Becca who loves it and would just rather let everyone have whatever it is they want. But this time just may be a different story after she meets Jay one night when she is out for a run and is attached by a rabid dog and Jay comes to her rescue. Jay and Brogen have a connection after that night.
Jay is new in town and is living with his cousin because his father is having problems with a bottle and is getting help for it. Jay lost his mother not long ago and this has been his father’s way of dealing with it. But Jay is trying to deal with everything and get on with his life the best way he knows how. Now he has met a new girl who he cares about a lot and who cares about him too. But when Jay finds out some devastating news about himself he starts to push Brogen away and she doesn’t understand what is going on. Why is he all of a sudden pushing her away? Jay doesn’t have a selfish bone in his body. It breaks his heart to push Brogen away but he doesn’t want to get so involved with her that he breaks her heart as well. But just maybe that should be Brogen choice and not his.
Rarity touched me way more than I ever thought it would when I read the summary. I knew when I read it that I just had to read it. While reading Rarity I cried a lot and it was ugly as they say. I cried just about the whole time I was reading it. I felt so much for both Jay and Brogen but I can really and truly relate to Brogen on more than one level. But the main one is that I know what it is like to love someone who has problems like Jay but they are different.
I love D.A. Roach’s writing style. I love how she can make you see the world that she has written through the eyes of the characters. You get so lost in the story that you feel like it is more than watching a movie. She makes you feel like you are a character in Rarity like you are standing on the side lines watching what is going on and feel what the characters are feeling. At times I cried and laughed all at the same time. I cried because I felt happy, I cried because I felt sadness and hurt. I don’t guess I have to tell you I really and truly loved Rarity and can’t wait to check out more of D.A.’s work.