
Hitched - Karpov Kinrade I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.

For most of her life all Kacie wanted was to finish high school go to college and then get away from her home town. So after college Kacie her brother Tate and best friend Vi move to Las Vegas where Kacie and Tate start their own business planning bachelor parties. With the right amount of money they can come up with all kinds of different things for the parties and in a very short time. They are just getting their business up and running and right now that is all Kacie is thinking about. But of course she hopes to find a good man fall in love, get married and maybe have a couple of kids. But of course that is many, many years down the road.

Kacie, Tate and Vi all like to go out and have a good time at the clubs in Vegas. Tate is like a playboy breaking quite a few women's hearts. They all get dressed up and head out to a club to have some fun and party like it is 1999. After partying all night Kacie wakes up in a very expensive hotel room and while she looking for her clothes she happens to a piece of paper on the night stand. She picks it up to have a look at it and is shocked at what she sees written on it but then it does explain the ring she spots on her finger. As she is trying to figure out what she did the night before her very sexy date walks out of the bathroom and she sees a matching ring on his finger. While Kacie can't remember everything they did the night before Dr. Sexy does. While Kacie is trying to figure it all out Dr. Sexy gets an emergency phone call and has to leave.

Kacie thinks she has lost her mind by marrying someone she just met. After giving it a lot of thought she decides to get the marriage annulled. Well Dr. Sexy has other plans for the two of them. Dr. Sexy doesn't want to have the marriage annulled he wants to spend the rest of his life with Kacie. Although she is very attracted to the very hot Dr. she is not ready to be married. She is afraid that she will lose who she is if she is married. She doesn't want to be Dr. Sexy's wife she wants to be Kacie the party planner.

I fell in love with all of the characters in Hitched and can't wait to read more of their stories in future books. While I would love to see Tate find himself a good woman to love and Vi deserves a good man too. But I would love to read in the next book is Dr. Sexy's side of the story. You know about their wedding night and about their wedding ceremony. What about his family and his life as a Dr? What was happening in his life as Kacie was planning parties and trying to decide what to do about their future together? Do they have a future together?

If you have not read Hitched then I am here to tell you, you do not know what you are missing. You need to grab your copy today and start reading it ASAP. Yes it is a fast read but all that tells you is that it is a very hot read. I am very thankful to the authors for providing me with a copy of the book to read. Hitched is not the first book by this duo that I have read. I have loved every book by them that I have read.