Half Past the Witching Hour

Half Past the Witching Hour - Joanna Mazurkiewicz I received a free copy of book from the author for my honest opinion.

Julia is back and she is still trying to get over her break up with her ex-boyfriend Nathaniel the boss at La Caz Corporation. She is dating a giant named Quentin who is an art dealer. Quentin is very nice and wants to move in with Julia but she is not quite ready for that yet. Julia cares for Quentin a great deal but he will never be Nathaniel and he will never make her feel like he does. But she does try really, really hard to be the girlfriend that Quentin deserves.

Just when she thinks she is getting her life back on track she starts having blackouts and when she comes to she has blood all over her. She thinks she is losing her mind. When she starts having visions or bit and pieces of herself killing someone she knows that she is going to have to get her magic under control and find someone to teach her how to control her magic. She is going crazy wondering if what she is remembering is real or not. But when she finds a dead body at La Caz Corporation and it is the same person that she saw in her dreams or visions then has to pull herself together long enough to find out if she is the killer or if it is someone else.

When she starts having visions of her killing her own mother she races against the clock to find out who the killer is if it is her or someone else. She has to find a way to stop her visions coming true. Does she have dark magic inside of her and it may be causing her to commit murder? Can she learn to control this dark magic that may be inside her before it is too late to save her mother?

Julia has some of the best friends in the world that will do anything they can to help Julia find the truth. They will put their own lives in danger to save Julia and she would do the same for them. That is when she is in control of her own self and her dark magic has not taken over. Is Julia running around killing people or is it someone else who is trying to hurt Julia and make her life a living h3ll? Who is killing all these people? Why would anyone want to hurt Julia?

Half Past the Witching Hour is an awesome book. It is filled with murder, magic, witches, vampires, shifters, elves, fairies and more paranormal creatures than I can name. I love the world that Joanna has created with all of the different paranormals. Half Past the Witching Hour will grab you by the seat of your pants and have you bouncing all over the place with Julia and her on again off again relationships. It will take a hold of you with its magical powers and won't let go until you read the very last word and even then it will have you hanging on wanting more.