Savannah Sacrifice

Savannah Sacrifice - Danica Winters I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.

Starling Jackson is a young Nymph, a demi-god with the power of seduction and near immortal is going through a lot of hard things for one so young not only is she having to deal with the loss of her mother she also has someone who wants or needs her for some pacific reasons. And on top of all of this she has what to her is a curse. Starling hears voices in her head or what sort of feels like in her head but in actuality they are ghost or dead spirits. The dead talk to Starling which is about to drive her insane. She needs to find a way to put an end to all the noise. She thinks she has found a way to stop it. A friend of her mother's has left her a set of secret books that she must find. She has been told that there is information in the books that will help her stop hearing the spirits talk to her. But there is only one little problem, no big deal; the books are at the heart of her worst "nightmare".

But hopefully with the help of her hottie of a bodyguard Jasper Gray they will find these secret books and put a stop to her hearing the spirits and to her "nightmares" as well. I don't see how Starling could have any more problems with the spirits with a hunk of a man for a bodyguard like Jasper Gray. With being friends with Danica on Facebook I can just image Starling melting and oozing down his leg every time she just glances at Jasper. Hey just by looking at him I would be like spirits? What spirits? Oh wait I'm sorry umm I will get back to my review now. Oh but Jasper sounds like one hot dude that would make your tongue reach out slap your brains out.....

Well hopefully Starling and Jasper can find these secret books and put a stop to her hearing the voices of the dead spirits and her curse as she sees it without their feelings getting in the way that is. While I was reading Savannah Sacrifice I kept thinking how can she see her ability to hear spirits as a curse and not as a gift? I would be like oh yeah I can hear the dead talk to me and I can talk back to them to oh yeah. Well unless they were evil and wanted to hurt me then I would probably want to get the H.E.L.L out of dodge, oh yeah.

Oh man I have honestly and truly loved, loved, loved oh did I mention that I loved reading Savannah Sacrifice? I love all of the books in the Nymph Series and really hope that Savannah Sacrifice is not the last book. Need me some more of these "hotties". Oh yeah! I sure do. But seriously guys the Nymph Series is an amazing set of novels. Savannah Sacrifice will take hold of you right from the first word and keep you mesmerized right up until the last word still wanting more and more. I give you fair warning! Warning, warning the Nymph's have the power of seduction and so does the Nymph Series it has the power to grab on to you and draw you into its web of seduction as well. Oh yeah! So what are you waiting for go grab your copy or should I say copies of the Nymph Series, now I say. Trust me you won't regret it one little smidgen'.