The Voice

Audrey is a seventeen year old girl whom was abducted from her home by someone she has known all of her life. Someone she knew and trusted most of the time. She was taken from her home the summer before she would enter her senior year in high school. Audrey had no clue where she was and she couldn't get away as she was kept tied up all the time. Audrey was hurt over and over all summer. But she had some condolence as she could hear a voice in her head. Some guy would talk to her telepathically. He was trying so hard to help Audrey you know help her stay sane not to break down and lose it all. He was very compassionate and Audrey came to depend on this voice that she could hear in her head. The voice in her head helped her to escape.
After Audrey went home to be with her family she was so afraid and she couldn't trust anyone. Audrey couldn't stay in the house that she was abducted from so she left home and went to stay with her mother's sister in California. Her Aunt Kate was a school teacher and she helped Audrey to become someone else and enrolled her at the same school where she worked. Audrey was afraid to stay alone so she went to school. There were two guys that lived next door to her Aunt who helped Audrey by being with her at school. Her Aunt and the two guys' twins Caleb and Justin had classes with her so she was never left alone. Caleb tried real hard to help Audrey all he could. But Justin didn't seem to like her very much at all and he didn't talk to her hardly any at all. He would walk with her to the classes that they had together. Audrey couldn't figure Justin out she knew for whatever reason that she kind of like Justin and it bothered her that he wouldn't talk to her. But at the same time she wasn't ready to have a relationship with anyone.
Audrey thought by going to California and staying with her Aunt Kate that she could leave her summer behind and starts to heal. But what she didn't count on was that the person who had kidnapped her could reach her from jail and was still making her life pure hell. But she was lucky that she had her Aunt and the two guys next door that really cared about her. They all helped Audrey a lot. They helped her to know and realize again that not everybody was bad that there were still some very good folks left in the world. People that still had hearts and could care about someone and keep them safe.
I really and truly love reading The Voice. There was times where I would just right out of the blue start crying. My husband got to the point where instead of asking me if I was ok he would say you still reading that book. And sometimes I would laugh right out loud. There was time when Audrey or one of the guys would do or say something that was just so sweet that you couldn't help but laugh after what she had been through. If you want to read a very great book then you definitely want to read The Voice. I wish or hope that there would be another book about Audrey and the twins. I would like to know how Audrey continues to get better and how she deals with what she has been through. I wouldn't want to see her go through the same thing again but it would be nice to see how she handles living out in the world on her own.
The Voice is one of those books that will grab your attention right from the first page and won't let go until the very last page. It will take you on an emotional roller coaster ride of your life. One minute you will be feeling low and the next you will be soaring in the sky. Warning: while reading The Voice be sure you have a box of Kleenexes sitting beside you at all times because you are going to need them big time.