
Strained - Marcia Colette I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.

Alexa is half wolf – half human in her world she is called a Human Hybrid. Alexa is married to Matt a very wonderful person who loves his wife Alexa very much. Matt and Alexa are soulmates. They would each give up their own lives for the other. They would do anything possible to keep the other safe even if that meant not being completely honest with the other.

Alexa and Matt both have a bounty on their heads and have been on the run for quite a while now. They have been trying their best to find out who it is that has the bounty out on them so that they can take them out. But so far they have not had much luck in that department. They have been hiding out in Georgia which just happens to be territory of The Georgia Pack which could very easily turn out to be very dangerous to them. I mean you don’t just go into another wolf’s territory without their consent or at the least you don’t take up residence on it. They have been hiding out and trying to live among humans as if they were humans but have they or can they fool The Georgia Pack? Can any werewolf ever fool another werewolf?

While Alexa and Matt have been trying to find out who had put the bounty on them Alexa also has another secret that she is hiding and she is also hiding it from her husband Matt as well and it is not the fact that she is a Human Hybrid because Matt is a full blooded werewolf. So he doesn’t care that she is a Hybrid or not. He loves her with everything in him. Alexa is not keeping a secret from Matt because she doesn’t trust him she is keeping her secret from him because she loves him and in no way wants to bring harm to him besides she is afraid that he would try to stop her from doing what it is she has been doing for years. Her secret is not a bad secret and she would never intentionally harm anyone that was good and didn’t deserve it. She does what she does for the good of both the humans and the wolves. She only tries to protect the innocent.

To Matt Alexa is his woman his baby and like any male he wants to protect his baby. But what he doesn’t know is that Alexa is very independent more so than he knows and can take care of herself. Alexa is one tough woman and can kick but with the best of them. I love books like Stained where the heroine is a kick butt kind of woman and doesn’t need a man to take care of her or at least doesn’t need him to fight her battles for her. A woman always needs her man in one way or another. I have loved the world that Marcia Colette has created in Strained and would really like to get my hands on more of her work. I would recommend Strained to anyone who loves a good werewolf novel with a little action and a whole lot of love thrown in along with a strong willed woman. And also a man that could be a model who knows how to take care of his woman.