How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love With You

Seventeen-year-old Oliver Wendell Holmes is kind of a peculiar person. When it comes to setting goals for himself; he likes making list. He is very fastidious when it comes to his list no matter what he sets out to do. Whether he is trying to make good grades or trying to get into a good college. He has his own way of getting things done and he likes it just fine.
So when he decides to get Ainsley Bishop to fall in love with him he has to have a list. He makes a list that he will follow up to the last detail. It is the only way Oliver knows. Oliver gets a lot of help from his friend Viney and an older gentleman from the center where he works fixing computers and where he also just hangs out with Hank and some of the other residents at the center.
Oliver has a hard time with other people in his school as he is not part of the popular crowd. But Oliver is ok with this and yes he gets picked on sometimes but he has learned to live with it and go on with his life. By ignoring it makes him the better person and besides neither the person nor the comments are worth the time or trouble that fighting back may cause to himself or anyone else. But there are times when you have to stand up for yourself, times when you are right in doing so.
Oliver has a little brother named Sherlock who like Oliver has his own thing to do. Sherlock is like his name sake. He likes investigating crimes or whatever happens to be going on at the time whether it is at school or at home. He likes taking out his little notebook and writing down all of the clues he runs across until finds the answer or what he thinks is the answer which is not always the case. Sherlock has a long ways to go before he can be an investigator like his name sake but he is only a child and has a long time yet to learn from his nemeses.
When I first realized that I signed up to review How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love With You I was like; "oh no you didn't. I couldn't believe it. I am more of a horror or paranormal kind of person. But on occasion I do dabble in other genres and I always find out that I do like the books after all and am glad that I read them and How to Get Ainsley Bishop to Fall in Love With You was no different. After I started reading it I was like if this was a movie I would love it. The more I read the more I wanted to read. Once I started reading it I didn't want to put it down. I read it way faster than I ever thought I would. I read it in a few hours so hey, I must have liked it very much.