End of The World: The Beginning (Book 1)

End of The World: The Beginning (Book 1) - Nesly Clerge Gayle Conyers lives in a world where a chip is inserted into everyone’s brain shortly after birth. Every aspect of Gayle and everyone who has this chip; which is called KATE an acronym for Kinetic Advanced Transitional Emissions is monitored by the Order of World Society.

Gayle is the mother of twin girls who at least has control over where she works although not everyone does there are people in lower sectors work where they are ordered. But when Gayle is approached by another scientist to come work for him and she turns him down on his offer she learns that she is not in control of that aspect of her life either.

Gayle is a scientist living in the year 2050 and believes that her life and the world around her is safe and is kept that way by the Order of World Society. But when she is approached by religious protestors Gayle starts to rethink her beliefs. She is torn between what she has learnt as a scientist and what she reads in her mother’s bible and by what the religious protestors are all telling her.

When a storm hits and everyone is order to stay inside Gayle has a few hours to ponder what she has learned and is beginning to wonder what is right and what is not. Is science correct or is the bible? Is there something or someone out there greater than we are? What is the message that End of the World is trying to tell us? What does End of the World tell you? Is the world ending as End of the World says? What will happen to Gayle and her daughters? What will happen to the rest of the world?

I would recommend End of the World to anyone who likes reading dystopian, apocalyptic or end of the world type of books. If you have not read End of the World then let me suggest that you give it a try.