
Breeder - K.B. Hoyle I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.

Seventeen is a Breeder in the Unified World Order and lives at Sanctuary. A Breeder is what they call the females that live at Sanctuary. Seventeen and all of the other girls at Sanctuary are a part of the Controlled Repopulation Program. The girls are used to carrier babies, perfect babies. The Unified World Order is striving for a utopia world; a perfect society. They give the girls meds to keep them healthy enough to carry a baby. They also make them eat like six meals a day and work out to stay in shape and in good condition to carry a child. The Sanctuary is the only home that any of these girls remember.

One day Seventeen is sent to the infirmary for a procedure which only means that she was pregnant when they put her to sleep but wasn’t when she woke up. While she was in having her procedure done she saw a man but when she tried to tell Mother she didn’t believe her. It is illegal for Seventeen or any of the girls to come in contact with a man. So unfortunately no one believed her when she tried to tell them; which was a good thing for her in the long run. After she lost her baby and she was returned back to her room and back into population with the other girls Seventeen became curious about a lot of things that was going on at the Sanctuary. She was seeing things that no one else was seeing or at least that was what they were telling her. Being curious and inquisitive about certain things was a very bad idea and could get you into a lot of trouble.

Seventeen started asking more and more questions until finally Mother instructed the nurses to take care of her. But luckily the man that she had seen before saw her and knew what they were going to do to her so he explained to her what they were going to do and talked her into leaving with him. Seventeen was so surprise when she saw what was outside the walls of the Sanctuary. She learned that what she had been taught was wrong and that the outside was nothing like what she was told.
Pax explained to her about the outside world and that there was other people out there that were surviving on their own without the help of the Sanctuary or the Unified World Order. Seventeen decides that she wants a name too like Pax she doesn’t want to be just a number anymore she wants to be somebody. So she calls herself Pria, a name that she was given when she was a child. The only way that Pax and Pria could survive out in this new world was to find other people or humans like them, who lived together as a group so they could survive in this new world.

Pria may be a naïve girl in the beginning but she learns real quick how to survive. As when any group of people there are good and bad. And some of the people in this group that Pax and Pria meet up with are not very good people and they want to hurt Pria but Pax will do whatever he has to; to keep her safe. Pria would do the same for Pax as well. They got to know each other pretty well on their little journey to find this group of survivors. But finding a new home and people they can trust may be more than Pax or Pria can handle. Once they find out what they want Pria to do just may cost them their lives and their freedom.

I have been hooked on dystopian books this year and I have tried to read everyone I could get my hands on. Breeder was an amazing story and one h3ll of a good read. I loved the world that the author built for Sanctuary and the world outside of there. I loved all of the characters or most all of them anyways. Pax and Pria were my two favorite characters. But I did come to like Henri and his sister Celine both of them were real good people and new more about Pria than she knew they knew. Henri and Celine they looked out for Pria just as close as or closer than Pax because they knew the people better in their group.

If you love reading dystopian books the Breeder is one book you don’t won’t to miss out on. It will take a hold of you from the very first word and you won’t want to put it down to take a bathroom break. Oh wait if you are like me where now days we have different devices that we can take with us where ever we go and read. I still like having a paperback or hardback book you can carry them with you too but with all the new devices that we have now days you can carry more than one book with you. Oh and with a phone you can take it with you to a friend or family member’s house and you just might have a need to go to the bathroom a lot that is if the book is good. Breeder is one of those books that you will be glad that you have an eBook.