
Cherished (Beholder #3) - Christina Bauer After having her heat broken by Rowan and losing her best friend Elea is so tired of magic and just wants to live the great life of a farmer on Braddock Farm. Braddock Farm was left to her by her parents when she was just a little baby. Elea has no member of her parents and the farm is the only thing she has from them. And with the Tsar and the Vicomte dead now Elea plans to do just that with the help of her new friend Philippe.

But someone wants Elea dead, a Creation Caster Shujaa. Shujaa wants to the King and rule over the Caster lands. But in order to be the king he must fight the ruling king to the death for the title and Elea will do everything in her power to keep this from happening even fighting as the king’s second.

I loved getting to meet Rowan’s family. I loved his little brother Jicho he is so cute and smart and loves his big brother Rowan very much. I also liked his other brother Kade as well. But his mom Zoriah now I wasn’t so fund of her she is sort of a b!tch who wants to be in control of everything and everyone.

I have loved reading all the books in the Beholder series up to now but I think that book 3 Cherished is so far my favorite. I loved the battle, the fight for the new king and all the spells that were used during the battle. Don’t get me wrong I really loved reading both Cursed book 1 and Concealed book 2. The reason that Cursed was not my favorite was because of Tristan’s betrayal and because of Rowan’s betrayal in Concealed. I still can’t believe that Rowan betrayed Elea like that with his engagement to her best friend Amelia. I am still mad at him a little bit about that but after reading book 3 Cherished he has made up for it somewhat. I can’t wait for the next book Crowned to see what journey Elea and Rowan take us on next. Who is being Crowned and for what?

If you have not read Cherished then I would like to be the first one to suggest that you do as it is out of this would amazing but I would suggest that you read Cursed and then Concealed before reading Cherished.