This time around I am giving a great big shout out to four of the authors from the Descent Into Darkness. R. L. Blalock, Tony Urban, Max Lockwood, Patrick Logan
Mark of Perdition by R.L. Blalock
Reads like a full length novel. You don't feel cheated. You don't feel as if there are holes in the story. It keeps you hanging on wanting to know what is going to happen next. Why is Cas going through all of this? Is it all for real? Is she losing her mind? Is it all a nightmare real or imagined? I feel what Cas feels in the heat of the moment. R.L. makes you feel just what her characters are feeling and you get lost in the moment sort of to speak.
Sneak Peak:
The flow of the food over her taste buds brought back a flood of memories. Her parents had always insisted that dinner be eaten at the dining room table. It wasn’t until she had moved out on her own that she had realized how much she enjoyed the family meals. Everyone would gather around the table and her parents would inquire about school and their day. Usually the conversation followed these mediocre happenings of the day. As ordinary and uninteresting as these conversations were, it kept them connected.
Baba by Tony Urban
Three teenagers Phil, Kenny and Mo take off on a trip in the mountains looking for a woman’s body that Phil witnessed being murder while on a hunting trip with his father.
I really enjoyed reading this little short as it reminded me of Stephen King’s story written as “The Body” but the movie was called “Stand by Me”. I have seen where Tony’s stories have been compared to Stephen King before in his series Life of the Dead. I can’t wait to read more of Tony’s work as I do have all three of the Life of the Dead novels.
Sneak Peak:
“I asked my Grampa about this place last night.”
“You didn't tell him?” Phil asked and I could hear the alarm in his voice.
“No. Of course not. I didn't tell him what you saw, just asked if he knew anything about the mountain. Pop told me that when he was a kid the carnival used to set up on the farm. And he said a couple girls went missing and were later found dead.”
“Your grandfathers really old, right?” Phil asked.
“Seventy-five. Or six.”
“And this was when he was young?”
I nodded.
“So, there's a hundred-year-old killer gypsy out here? That's what you're thinking?”
Zombie Apocalypse by Max Lockwood
Sergio and Carl are in the military. They were on deployment when the zombie outbreak occurred. Sergio and Carl are staying with Carl’s sister Pip when the zombies show up. Pip is having a home coming party for her brother Carl. A friend of Pip’s Jennifer is at the party and Carl and Pip kind of sort hit it off.
I love the world that the author created for the zombies and all the characters too. I loved following along with Carl, Sergio, Pip and Jennifer as they fought off the zombies.
Sneak Peak:
On his back, he crab walked toward the door as he kicked the zombie back. He knew he was done for. Just as it was about to descend upon him, Carl heard a whoosh of air as a long blade flew over his head and sliced cleanly into the zombie’s neck.
The decaying head toppled onto the ground in front of him and he nudged it away with his foot.
“What—” Carl panted, trying to make sense of what just happened.
He spun around to see Jennifer holding some type of sword.
Lock and Key by Patrick Logan
Three guys Tony, Robbie and Charles break into a house while the couple is at home and in bed. They get more than they bargain for upon entering the home. Monsters under the bed, anyone? Or are the under the bed?
These three guys really cracked me up. They did some pretty dump things if you ask me, that is, if they have plans to leave the people alive. Reminded me of that tv show called Dumbest Criminals or something like that.
Sneak Peak:
“Fuck, let’s just get out of here,” Tony said, suddenly struck by a strange sense of fear. “We’ve got the cash, and Charles is making a fucking racket down there. Let’s just go before the cops come, Robbie. If my parole—”
“Shut the fuck up, Tony!”
Tony’s eyes widened.
“Don’t use my name!” he hissed.